Nigeria forces Taiwan trade office to relocate

After securing a lucrative investment package from China during the visit of Chinese foreigner minister in January this year, Nigeria ordered Taiwan to rename and move its trade office from the current capital, Abuja, to the commercial hub, Lagos, as well as to reduce the number of staff. Numerous negotiations between Taiwan and Nigeria followed, but to no avail.

Facing strong pressure from China, the director of Taiwan trade office was forced to leave the African country on March 31 as Nigeria could no longer guarantee his safety. Yesterday, Nigeria sent military police to close off the Taiwanese office in Abuja and forced staff to leave. Continue reading “Nigeria forces Taiwan trade office to relocate”

Diplomatic Missions in Taiwan

Below is a list of diplomatic missions set up by foreign governments in Taiwan, in English alphabetical order of country name by region. States that don’t officially recognize the ROC (Taiwan) operate de facto embassies styled as cultural and trade offices. These offices are usually staffed by professional diplomats without the official diplomatic titles. Some offices have the authority to grant entry visa into their respective countries or offer consular services. Contact an embassy/consulate in a nearby city outside of Taiwan (e.g. Hong Kong, Manila, Seoul, Tokyo, Bangkok, Singapore) or your foreign ministry if your country is not represented. Taiwan’s foreign ministry maintains a list of all foreign embassies and offices.

States with official diplomatic relationships

貝里斯大使館 Embassy of Belize
瓜地馬拉共和國大使館 Embajada de Guatemala
海地共和國大使館 Ambassade de la République d’Haïti
教廷駐華大使館 Nuntiatura Apostolica in Sinis (Holy See)
宏都拉斯共和國大使館 Embajada de La República de Honduras
馬紹爾群島共和國大使館 Embassy of the Republic of the Marshall Islands
諾魯共和國大使館 Embassy of the Republic of Nauru
尼加拉瓜共和國大使館 Embajada de la República de Nicaragua
帛琉共和國大使館 Embassy of the Republic of Palau
巴拉圭大使館 Embajada de la República del Paraguay
聖克里斯多福及尼維斯大使館 Embassy of Saint Kitts and Nevis
聖露西亞大使館 Embassy of Saint Lucia
聖文森及格瑞那丁大使館 Embassy of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
史瓦帝尼王國大使館 Embassy of the Kingdom of eSwatini (Swaziland)
吐瓦魯國大使館 Embassy of Tuvalu

Continue reading “Diplomatic Missions in Taiwan”